In this day and age, working in a western country practicing eastern medicine poses that very question a lot. It is always crucial to list all medications you’re taking before commencing acupuncture or Chinese herbs so that we make allowances for what you’re taking. For instance, a person taking a daily dose of aspirin shouldn’t be given herbs that treat the blood. A person on medication to lower blood pressure shouldn’t be given hot herbs. A person on fluid tablets shouldn’t be given moistening fluid generating herbs. All these conditions and medications effect our approach and so it’s imperative that in order to treat you appropriately, that you inform us of what you’re taking.
The other aspect to acupuncture and medication is that there can be benefit for side effects. Common examples of these are treating the energy depletion that can be associated with anti depressants, treating the various side effects of chemotherapy such as headaches, insomnia, nausea, pain and skin rashes.